I am a self motivated, energetic and passionate woman, with a wide range of life experiences locally and abroad. I am hardworking, committed and has a passion for people, development and new challenges. I believe a new era is opening up for people who are connecting the energy of their hearts and minds to be innovative and creative, who will change the face of today’s communities and marketplaces.



Take the step towards your future! We focus on healthy and broken relationships for couples, seeking to strengthen and restore relationships


In today’s life stress, anxiety and depression has become a common phenomenon. We then also focus on helping people work through these issues.

Significant Events

Managing life’s events such as immigration adapting to changes and unexpected circumstances. Learning skills to transitioning.

Individual Therapy

We also focus on individual counselling and guidance for life issues and problems, helping you discover value and position in life.


Rewiring Cognitions and Emotions

“What is it? Rewiring is an individual or group approach to psychological therapy based on a combination model of CBT, psychotherapy and mastery learning. It is chiefly concerned with the relationship between optimism, learning, successful patterns of behaviour, and the subjective experiences and patterns of thought underlying them. This therapy educates people in self-awareness, healthy thinking, and effective communication, and helps them to change patterns of mental and emotional behaviour in a very short time-span. 

Rewiring works on the neuroplasticity of the brain. It has been shown to be effective with adolescents and adults. The object of the training is to re-educate the brain and encourage a change in mental state, thus challenging the brain to function more effectively. The scripts that are programmed into our brains throughout life can be changed through this process, and organized into new scripts for us to achieve specific goals in life and raise the level of neurotransmitters in our brains”. –

Dr. Genevieve Milnes

Ecometric Assessments

Ecometric assessment scales assist in the counselling process. The best way to achieve best results is to measure and quantify problems through reliable and scientifically proven measurements techniques. Pro-active action.
Address correct and real needs.
Target the problems that will really make a difference.
Identify the most important risk factors.
Identify and utilize the strong points of functioning.
Provides a foundation to select the most appropriate, therapeutic actions.
Standardized multidimensional assessment scales:

Sam Peters

Personal Multi-problem Screening

Inventory (PMSI)
Leadership Values Scale (LQI)

Eating Disorder Scale (EDAS)

Functional Therapy. Functional Therapy is aimed at effecting understanding and insight into human behaviour. In the first place clients are guided to understand themselves better. Understanding alone provides the possibility of healing. Clients have to proceed to effective action if they are to expect healing. When Functional Therapy is fully utilized (understanding that finds expression in action), it can lead to a life that is blessed with rich and fulfilled relationships with God, self and neighbour:

Functional Therapy (FT) involves a comprehensive approach to human functioning based on the integration of theology and social sciences. 

FT is a powerful treatment, because it combines theological, scientific, and behavioural aspects into one comprehensive approach: understanding and overcoming common psychosocial problems.
FT was developed through extensive scientific evaluation.
FT aims to help the client move from his/her defined emotional andbehavioural problems, towards goals of how he/she would like to feeland behave.
FT is a goal-directed, systematic, problem-solving approach to emotional and behavioural problems.

FT focuses on how problems are being maintained as well as on  searching for the root cause(s) of the problem.
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FT shows some of the strategies a person is using to cope with his/ her emotional problems are actually maintaining those problems.
FT offers practical advice and tools for overcoming common emotional and behavioural problems.
FT can address material from a person’s past if doing so can help him/ her to understand and change the way he/she is thinking and acting now.
FT highlights learning techniques and maximizes self-help so that ultimately any person can become his/her own therapist.

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